Consultant’s testimony – Virginie Munoz

3 min read

Can you introduce yourself?

My name is Virginie Munoz, I live in Cormontreuil, near Reims (just 45 minutes by train from Paris) where I work as a real estate consultant*.


Before joining iad, I worked in a business school as an internship representative. I used to work with PGE (French acronym for schools in higher education, different from university) and CESEM’s students (name of a business school in Reims), teachers and company managers.
So very early I needed to improve my English in order to work with international students and teachers.

Find your dream property abroad

Can you tell us more about your job and how do you help foreign buyers?

As a real estate consultant*, my role is to support foreign buyers in the search for their dream property in Reims and Cormontreuil areas.


Indeed because of the business school, the Champagne houses, the universities, we sometimes have foreign buyers and it’s very important for them to have someone in front of them who speaks English. They come from different countries and often they don’t speak French at all. English is their only way to communicate, especially to find their life project. So they are very grateful to have a real estate consultant* who can help and understand them.

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What are the advantages of Reims?

The first advantage that everyone knows is that Reims is the capital of Champagne. You can find a lot of Champagne houses you can visit! It’s very interesting and good to taste. The vineyards make beautiful landscapes for walking and taking pictures.


Furthermore, we have different schools for students such as business school, medicine school, universities…
And, you can find our gorgeous cathedral! The town as well is beautiful to see. It’s very close to Paris, just 45 minutes by TGV (high-speed train in France).
Come and discover everything I couldn’t mention (« les faux de Verzy », parks, restaurants, bars, sports places, libraries, bookstores, etc…)!

What is you favorite place in Reims and why?

It’s so difficult to answer this question ! Everything I mentioned just before are good places.


So, to avoid making anyone jealous, I would say at home, in Cormontreuil, sharing a drink with my family, my friends and my dog Sirius « le Corgi Champenois ».

Street of Reims

Can you tell us an anecdote with a foreign buyer?

I speak English because I learnt it at school and as an adult I learnt it with different teachers thanks to my previous job in NEOMA business school. So sometimes I need to find my words, because I’m not native from an English-speaking country.


During a tour with foreign buyers, I didn’t remember how to say « banc » (« bench » in English). Indeed I was talking about the park just next to the apartment and I would like to say that they can find « banc » in this park.
And no, it was impossible to remember this word. So I just mimed to them a « banc ». And they say, very happy to help and stop the torture: « Oh yes bench! ».


And guess what? Now I still remember that word!

The ending word?

I would be lucky to help foreign buyers. Indeed I could talk in English with them and discuss their real estate project in order to find their cocoon in my region.


If they need some financial advice, we have partners who will be able to answer them.
My goal is to help all the people to find their dream property! 😊

[] * In France, all iad consultants are independent sales agents of I@D France SAS, registered with the RSAC, and hold a real estate canvassing card on behalf of I@D France SAS (without holding funds). In Spain, Italy, Portugal and Germany, all the consultants are independent agents acting on behalf of the subsidiary to which they are attached (without holding any funds)
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